Opposite sides of the world

A is leaving for the UK this Sunday, InshaAllah... not really sure how I feel about this. I mean, we have always been in a long distance relationship since we got together so this should not be that much different, right? Right? Uh...

I don't know...I mean, I am excited that he got this opportunity to gain some work experience overseas and I am genuinely happy for him. It's just that, the thought of us being at the opposite sides of the world is a bit ...worrying? What is the time difference between Woking and Sydney anyway? I hope things won't change that much between us. 

For me, it's easier to be the one leaving rather than the one being left. It was not hard for me when I had to leave to continue my Master here in Sydney. I was quite excited actually. A and I had just started to get to know each other but it did not bother me that much that we were going to be apart for a year. Maybe because I was the one going to a new place, exploring and discovering new things and things were not yet that serious between us at the time. But when I think about it again, it was probably hard for him to see me go. 

And now that he's the one going somewhere, I cannot help but feel uneasy. What if he forgets about me? What if we fight everyday? What if he realizes that he doesn't want to be with me? I know I sound ridiculous but I can't help it... Anything can happen.

I should stop thinking too much. Thinking too much is not good, it could ruin things that is already fine. Things will be alright InshaAllah. I should not be too worried...It's not permanent. 

Awak, I wish you all the best. Do take care of yourself over there. You know I'm always here for you if you need me, day or night :) 


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