Hey hey

Hey hey.

I haven't written in such a looooong time. I am pretty sure I have no more readers here. Oh well, people use instagram more these days anyway (including me).

I can't believe it is already August. The year 2020 has been so confusing for me mostly because of the pandemic that's still going on. I am still working from home 3 days a week - but I've been going to the office on WFH days because it is easier to focus doing work at the office rather than at home. My office desktop is way better anyway.

I noticed that I get tired more when I work at the office, I also move less. Perhaps that was why I gained so much weight...

I'm still trying to lose weight & get healthier - currently doing Chloe Ting workouts at home. This week has been a bit slow - I think I'm getting my period soon. I haven't been in the mood to work out but I try to push myself to do them anyway. I have lost some weight, but I still have a long way to go to achieve my target (like loooong way). But I'm pretty confident I can do this, besides this is a lifestyle and not something that I plan to do short-term. This is my life now. 

My kids are no longer babies. I think I stopped blogging because I got pregnant with Afrina and life has just been about my two kids. I also went through some mental health issues, but I think I'm getting better now, Alhamdulillah. I don't feel anxious or down as much as I did a year ago. I'm glad I went to seek professional help.

I think that's pretty much it for my first update after such a long time. I will try to update more- even if I don't have readers. It is kind of cool to go back to these posts later in the future.

Hope all of you out there are well, and please stay safe! 



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