Not too long now.
The past week has been a very interesting one. Of all the 26 years that I have been living in this world, I have never experienced so many things in just one week. Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly and yesterday I finally received a confirmation on my student visa! I hope things will continue to go smoothly, InsyaAllah.
It all changed on the 5th February when I received that call from Jo...We had to do everything quickly because we were running out of time... I am very grateful to have her, because if not, I think I would have already given up on this.
Anyway, my focus today is not really about Australia...or's about him. I think from now on I have to give him a name...okay lets call him A. (ha ha not very creative I know). I think I've mentioned him in all 4 of my previous posts...
So. We finally met the other day. I was in KL for my medical checkup and I went to hang around at Ayah's office after everything was settled. His office is just 10 minutes away, I could actually see the building where he works from Ayah's office window. It was a last minute plan actually, to meet him. The night that I arrived in KL I told him that I didn't have anything much to do after the medical checkup (Of course hoping that he would say he'd like to meet me). We agreed to meet the next day somewhere around that area after he finishes work at 5.30 pm. I was actually quite nervous because I did not really prepare for this (only hoping for it) so I didn't have anything nice to wear...but then I decided that it shouldn't really matter what I wear, if he likes me then he will like me, even if I was wearing a plastic bag on my head.
After I was done with my medical checkup that day (Alhamdulillah, everything is ok), Jo's cousin sent me to Ayah's office. It was around 3.30 and it was raining... As soon as I reached Ayah's office, I went to the washroom to fix myself up. Haha. He told me to wait at Manhattan's Fish Market at Ampang Park around 5.45 pm. I told Ayah I was going to meet him and that Ayah will come later to take me to KL Sentral.
I waited nervously at MFM and he arrived at around 5.50 pm. He was a bit late because his boss gave him some last minute work to do, and he also went to perform his solat before coming to see me. One of the first things he said to me was that the last time he went to MFM, he sat at exactly the same table that I was sitting at. His face light up and I definitely love his smile. My first impression of him was definitely a positive one... He is really nice to talk to... and it wasn't awkward at all. (Well, at least to me it wasn't). We talked about a bunch of medical checkup, visa, the small business that he's helping a friend with, his work, my studies, his trip to China with his mom...and suddenly it was already time for me to leave :(
Ayah was already waiting in front of 7-11 and I asked him if he would like to meet Ayah. Without any hesitation at all he said Yes. After paying for our drinks, I took him to see Ayah... They talked for a bit and then we said goodbye...
I like him. I hope this friendship will only grow into something more beautiful one day. I don't want to tell him how I feel because that will definitely scare him away... and this time around, I want to be really careful. I don't want to get hurt by thinking that this is something that it isn't.
I think I was smiling all the way to the airport... We kept texting each other until we went to bed. That should be a good sign, right? He also put a song on his Facebook page with the status "To mark the occasion"...and the song is "Disampingmu". I don't know what it means but I hope it has something to do with me...
Right now, I am so grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given me. For bringing A into my life, for giving me the opportunity to do my Masters, for making the process quite smooth and easy...For giving me wonderful friends like Jo, Shufaiha, Zaty and Hidayah, for giving me a supportive family, and for everything else. Thank you Allah.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku untuk sambung belajar.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan jodohku.
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