The clock is ticking

I think I am mostly done filling up the forms...I just need to matikan setem etc... which I will probably ask for my father's help for all that. 

I hate filling up forms...always have always will. When I received my offer to do my undergraduate degree back in 2008, it was my father who filled up all those forms. I didn't do much except being excited about going to a new place. 

But at 26, of course my father will no longer do that for me. So like it or not, I had to do it. He had to remind me everyday to fill up those forms and I finally did... it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have one more day to settle all my school work, so that I don't burden the people I leave behind. I hope everything will go smoothly until my departure date, and hopefully when I'm there too. The less drama, the better. 

Anyway, one of the things that keep playing in my mind is whether or not anything could ever happen between him and I. I like the way things are now and I would like to know where it can go... but I wonder if things are going to change since (God willing) I will be leaving in less than 3 weeks. Do I still have a chance? 

2013 is only into its second month, and yet it has brought so many surprises.

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusanku untuk sambung belajar. 
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan jodohku.


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