
I was just done having my buka puasa alone in my room yesterday (roommate had a class and I was too lazy to go to the musolla) when my mother suddenly facetimed me (is that even a word? Lol). It is very unusual of her to do that especially since we just talked earlier that day. Anyway, this came up on the screen when I answered the phone:


I know that's very blurry but that's all I managed to capture when suddenly my mother held this thing up on the screen (and that black box at the top right of the screen is actually me, had to color it in because my hair wasn't properly covered, hehe). 

I was confused at first, but then she flipped the card and I saw "Surrey" and immediately I knew who it was from. Mak was so excited she read the postcard out loud (sabar je lah, nasib baik takde yang jiwang hihi) and I found that very amusing...both of them (Ayah was there too) were more excited than me! And then Mak asked, why did A sent this to JB instead of Sydney? I told her I was not sure but when I asked A he said he purposely sent it to Malaysia. So I guess I will only get to read it when I come home early next year. Mak said she'll keep it in my file. 

It's so adorable seeing my Mak happy like that. For some reason, she really likes A a lot and really wants to see us together (No idea what A did, but whatever it is, he did it right).

Anyway, Mak sent me a better photo of the postcard after we ended our conversation:

Thank you awak, really happy to receive this poskad/kad raya from you! :) Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin! 

p/s: I think this is my first time receiving a postcard from anyone!


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