Passion. What's yours?

I always think of myself as a very dull person. If people ask me what I do during my free time, I will most probably say "I don't know ay?".

I used to like reading, but now I can't even finish a book (no matter how interesting the book is). The only reading I do now is for my courses- journal articles etc. 

I think I was into baking for a bit a few years ago. But it got too 'renyah' for me and I would always end up with a dozen of cupcakes with no one to eat it. 

I tried running/jogging, but that did not last. 

I don't really watch TV, I don't even own a TV.

I do like shopping, but I don't have the money to sustain that hobby.

So, what then? What do I like?

So after I did some thinking, I came to the conclusion that cooking is the only thing I never got bored of. I really enjoy being in the kitchen trying out new recipes. I'm not an expert or anything, but I do love it a lot. Whenever I'm stressed out with whatever is going on in my life, cooking never fails to make me feel better. I find 'peace' just being in the kitchen. 

So yep, I guess cooking is my 'thing'. My passion. 

The only problem is, I don't have an audience to try my dishes. I have my housemate, yes, but I think she's a bit bias because I've lived with her for almost 4 years now? She's probably already used to my cooking. Hehe. 


Hopefully someday I get to cook for my own family, host parties etc. 



  1. Same here!! lagi2 kalau tension. masak then makan makan makan..haha

    1. hehe yes! the second part tu problem besar...makan! pastu sendiri gmok sendiri depressed...pastu makan lagi sebab depressed. hahha. that is why i enjoy hosting makan2 :P ada alasan nak masak tp tak payah makan :P

  2. Replies
    1. haha taknak. because i actually love cooking, i don't want to change the way i feel about it :P


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