Snapshots: It's time.

I glance at the clock, "One more hour...".
My heart is beating faster than usual.
I feel nervous. Anxious. But the good kind.

I can hear noises outside my room: 

people chatting and laughing, furnitures moving,
and sometimes my mother's voice asking the person in charge if everything is in order.

I am in my room, sitting at the edge of my bed. 
I take a look around. 
The room is probably the nicest it has ever been. 
There is a bouquet of flowers on the side table next to the bed.

My best friend is talking about something, but I am not sure what. 

I am too distracted.

My sister comes into the room,

"Are you okay?"

"Yes" I smile.

"I have to help Mak outside for a bit, I'll be back to check up on

you soon okay"

A few more people come into the room after that,

"Are you nervous?"

"You look beautiful!"

Then, my father comes in and I know what it means.

He looks at me and smiles, kisses me on the forehead and says,

"It's time"

I take his hand and we walk out of the room...


  1. if it is what i think it is, congratulation iqa!! =)

    1. Err. this is fictional Sarah. But InshaaAllah, in the future hopefully this happens :) Thank you hehe


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