Past midnight
It's past midnight, and I'm lying on my bed, underneath my blanket, blogging from my phone. I was actually asleep just now, but a text from A woke me up and now I can't get back to sleep. I'm relieved that he's happy and settling in just fine. He seems to be adjusting well, Alhamdulillah.
I'm still trying to get used to the time difference between us... waking up when he's asleep and sleeping when he's awake is not fun. But it's alright, it's only for a month, InshaAllah things will be ok. Besides, Uni is starting again next week and hopefully that will take my mind off him.
Oh which reminds me, UNI is starting next week! I know I haven't been doing anything productive since the break started, but I really don't want this holiday to end! It's just so nice not having to worry about assignments and due dates! I can do what I want, when I want and if I want... But oh well... I can't have everything I guess.
I hope everything goes well this next semester. I only have one more semester before I graduate! I can't wait! Right now I'm doing okay, my gpa's 3.5, which I am very grateful for considering how much I struggled during my first semester. Hopefully next semester will be better, Amin.
Actually there is something that is bothering my mind right now... And it's not about my holiday that is ending soon... It's something else and I really want to get it out off my chest. Maybe I'll write about it tomorrow morning... We'll see. But for now, I have to sleep.
Sorry for this pointless post.
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