I was so bored today that I decided to browse through friends' Instagram photos and realised how far left behind I am compared to them. Most of them already have stable jobs, are either engaged or already married, already have kids or are pregnant with their first child. What do I have? What have I achieved so far? I'm turning 26 this year. No job, no husband, no kids. and I still live like I'm 21. I can't help but feel envious of them when I look at their wedding/baby photos and how happy they look. I have to admit, it does get lonely sometimes. I'm tired of doing everything alone. I want someone cuddle and talk to at night, to wake up to in the morning, to love, to spoil, to argue with, get annoyed with, to cook for, to look after, to cry to, and basically to spend the rest of my life with. I really hope our plan to get married next June comes true. I know he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and ...