
Good morning! It's Saturday and I've decided to spend it in the library... Mostly because they have internet connection here haha. and also I really need to start researching for my assignments... (Not fun). I'm into my third week here in Macquarie. So far I think I'm okay...I'm quite enjoying all my classes...Starting to make new friends, starting to get used to life here, and slowly (very slowly) falling in love with this place I guess.
The new place is starting to really feel like home. I can't wait to get a washing machine and for our TV to arrive. So far only the kitchen and our rooms are quite complete... the living room is still pretty much empty but that's alright. I love the house anyways.
Oh the surprise that I arranged for him went as planned. It's nothing big... I ordered customised lego cupcakes to be delivered to him... (because I know how much he loves lego and I just thought I'd do something special for special occassion...) I asked my sister in law if she knows anyone who does customised cakes and deliver them as well...and she suggested Sugarcandy by TengkuAlianna. So I texted Alianna and she said she could do that for me...and on Friday, he was surprised to receive this:
I specifically asked that one of the cupcakes has his initials, AJ. I was hoping that there were more colors for the lego blocks but oh well. I'm quite happy that she could do this in such short notice (plus to deliver it as well even though she doesn't really do deliveries).

It was quite hard not to be excited... I didn't have any classes on Friday so I went to the library to do some work. At around 5 pm the internet connection was being mengada so I decided to go home. On my way out of the library, I saw Jo on level 3 reading Rebecca so I decided to say Hi to her. I sat and talked to her for a bit when I received a text from him...

I pretended not to know anything but I guess Tengku Alianna told him who the sender was. Anyway, I'm really happy that I could make him smile... And quite bersyukur that everything went as planned. The cute thing about yesterday was that he was actually angry at me before he received the cupcakes because of the pendrive that I lost (it was a gift from him). I was terasa with what he said (even though I know it was my fault for losing it) so I told him I wanted to do some work and that I would talk to him later. He tried to pujuk? I guess by changing the topic...he said sorry if he sounded angry, maybe he was just hungry. I replied with a smiley and continued with my work.

It was after Jumaat prayers that I received his text above. :) He later said that he felt guilty for getting angry at me before. Haha so I guess he did notice that I wasn't OK. Decided to put everything behind and everything was okay again.

Awak, hope you like the cupcakes. ;)


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