Lost privilege
Since the day you made it clear that we are no longer good friends, I no longer feel the need to empathise with you, no longer need to understand your 'situation'. As far as I am concerned, everything is professional from that day forward. So, I wish you would stop with the "sorry I'm so inadequate..." because to be honest, it is getting annoying and a bit tiring. I am not trying to be mean, I really am not. I'm just trying to do my work and not get involved with anything personal anymore. Everyone has their problems/issues, you are not the only one. When we were still considered good friends, yes, I felt that it was my responsibility to be understanding (and I really did it because I wanted to and because I cared), but now that we are not, I really do not want to know more about your personal life more than I need to. It isn't fair that everyone has to understand what you're going through, but what about everybody else? Are our problems less importan...