My 2020

 ...and just like that, it's December. This year really felt fast & slow at the same time. I could never have imagined that 2020 would be like this.

Despite all that's been happening this year, I guess I still have a lot to be grateful for. 

Both my husband and I mostly worked from home since March 2020, when MCO started. Actually, my husband never got to work from his office since March, even after MCO was lifted. So it was just me working from the office every few days of the week. Around the end of May, we decided to send the kids to school/daycare again (the cases were pretty low & we felt quite safe sending them). 

One of the things I got to do this year was actually taking my goal to become fit & healthy seriously. I actually started around June (I was back in JB) when I saw my sister working out using an app on her phone. I asked her what it was and that was when she told me about it. When I came back to KL, I downloaded the app and started the 30-day challenge. I was able to be consistent because, to be honest, it wasn't that hard. I only needed 10 minutes to complete the workouts, so it was do-able. Around July, my husband bought both of us a smart band to track our calories/sleep and stuff. At first, I wasn't really excited but once I learned what it can do, I started becoming more excited about working out.

Towards the end of my first 30-days, my good friend told me about Chloe Ting. So I decided to check out what she was about - and decided to try her 2-weeks shred challenge after being convinced by those who have tried it. Because I was already familiar with some of the workouts, it was quite easy to adjust. After the 2 weeks challenge, I continued with her 4 weeks challenge. However, I realised I got bored towards the end of the 4 weeks. By this time, I was already losing about 5kgs (my goal is 20kg - not even close to reaching it yet haha!).

So, I kind of stopped doing home workouts, one of the reasons was time. I was already starting to work from the office and by the time I got back (around 6.30 pm), working out was the last thing I wanted to do. I started to slack off on eating healthily too. 

That was when I decided to start running/jogging. I have never been able to run/jog more than a few meters before...I just didn't have the stamina and I never thought I could. But somehow I was very determined to prove to myself that I can actually run non-stop. So I started running in the morning before work, and after a few weeks, I was able to run non-stop for 1km (this is huge for me ok!). I also completed my first 5km virtual relay run this year!

Since I was still working from the office every few days of the week, I decided to climb stairs as part of my daily workout. I started small - about 4-5 floors when I first started. Gradually I started climbing more stairs at work until I could climb 20 floors almost every day. 

When CMCO started in KL/Selangor, we had to stay home again. And my motivation to work out of course went down. I started eating whatever I wanted, and even though I still ran a few days a week, the calories that I consumed was way more than what I burned. That was when I discovered jump rope. When I started about two weeks ago, I didn't even know how to jump rope properly. I had to google and watch youtube videos on how to jump rope the correct way. The first few days were horrible - my legs hurt, my form was all wrong, and I couldn't even jump more than 30? But I didn't give up. I practiced and practiced until I was able to do 300, 500, 700, and then now up to 1000 jumps per day. 

All these things I have achieved made me realise that I actually can do things if I really set my mind to it. I just need to work hard & persevere, and InshaAllah I will be able to achieve them.

So, that's it about my journey to become fit & healthy, and I hope it will be my lifestyle now. I still need to improve my relationship with food though, but I am confident I will be able to change my eating habits.

This year, despite not being able to go out, we both get to spend time as a family more than ever. I actually get to see my kids growing up right in front of my eyes. When I compare photos of my kids back in March, I realised how much they have grown! Afrina couldn't even talk that much back then, but now she's a chatterbox! Yusuf is getting taller and smarter every day! So, this is definitely one of the blessings of 2020 for us. I don't think we will ever get this chance once things are back to normal (or almost normal).

This year is also the year I completed my service with UniKL to pay back my student loan. I have been working here for 6+ years and to be honest, although they pay me peanuts, I still love my job. I love my job, my colleagues, and I love how simple my life is. Because I work in UniKL, we go to work/school together every day. I also get to stay with my family in the same house and that is something I should be very very grateful about. I know a lot of my friends have to go through long-distance relationships and how hard things are for them. 

We still have about 3 weeks before 2020 ends - I pray that everyone is given good health, an abundance of rezeki, and lots and lots of happiness. I hope whatever goals you want to achieve in 2020, you get to achieve them as planned! 

Thank you 2020, and I look forward to what 2021 will bring.


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