It is not advisable to read this on an empty stomach.

I think I've mentioned in one of my previous posts about my love for cooking. Thus far, it is the only thing that never fails to make me happy. I love being in the kitchen and I love trying out new recipes. I still have a lot to learn, especially traditional Malay cooking and I absolutely suck at making Italian food. I can't even get instant bolognese to taste right, you know, the ones that you just need to add water? Yeah. I really suck at making Italian food... 

To be honest, I actually learned how to cook quite late in life. I was 21 when I started, and it was because I was living on my own in another country. It was expensive to eat out and also it was quite hard to get halal food. So the only option I had was to learn how to cook. I still remember the first meal I made for myself, in that small studio apartment, it was sauteed chicken bits with potatoes and onions, scrambled eggs and rice. I had one plate, one mug, a small rice cooker, and a small induction cook top. I was quite pleased with myself that day and then I started experimenting with other recipes. I used a lot to browse for recipes and sometimes I would call my mom. My friends and I also used to have potlucks every now and then to get together after a hectic week of Uni. One of my favourite things to make was sambal ikan bilis kentang and I was known for making roasted chicken with potato stuffing. As the years go by, I slowly became better at it (I think).

Yes. The first meal I made for myself when I was in Wellington back in 2008.

One of the things I'm glad I learned how to make is Karipap. I actually learned it from a friend but I can't remember why she was making karipap that day. Maybe it was for an open house or something? But she was the one who taught me how to make the dough etc. I went home and decided to try it for myself and I think I made too many the first time. It was only until recently that I learned how to make things in smaller portions/batches. And lately, I've developed an interest in making food presentable. I'm still experimenting and learning how to garnish is still very amateur for now but hopefully I'll get better at it. 

Kari ikan salmon is one of my favourite dishes. I only get to make it here because salmon is just too expensive in Malaysia...

This is one of the latest recipes I learned- nasi ayam. This is only my second attempt and I couldn't be bothered to marinate the chicken properly because I was too hungry. 

Nasi lemak. Guess which one is mine?

Karipap daging. I only make karipap when I'm away from home...back in Malaysia, they sell karipap everywhere.

Mee kari. This was actually my first time making mee kari. The kuah was too thick but taste-wise I think it was ok. I'm planning to make this again and see if I could get it right. 

Pancakes. I think I've finally perfected this one. I used to be jealous of my little sister because she makes the perfect pancakes. Lol.

Chicken wrap

Nasi goreng terlebih garnish, LOL

Udang goreng kicap- something simple my mum taught me :)

Ayam masak lemak kuning

Kari Ikan Salmon

My first attempt at making nasi ayam.

Ok, I did not make this- Jo did. But it looks too good that I just had to put it up here haha.

These are just some of the dishes I made recently/this year. I think I'll be cooking a lot the next few weeks since I'm done with Uni, yay.

Ok. I should stop because I'm getting hungry and it's almost midnight.



  1. Replies
    1. Haha tapi i cannot lawan u edwan... U're a chef. I'm just a person who thinks she can cook lol. i have A LOT more to learn.

  2. omgggg i'm not even hungry but this is such a droolworthy post!!!

    iqa this makes me miss your cooking even more :(


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