One more sleep.

One more sleep and tomorrow night I will be on my way back to Sydney... and I'm actually quite looking forward to go back. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and spending time with them the past week has been great, and I love A too (a lot, honestly). I had an awesome weekend with him and I wish we could see each other more often. But it's alright, I guess. I mean, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder? The less we get to see each other, the more we appreciate our moments together when we do. Besides, if all goes well, we'll be together eventually, InshaaAllah. I only have one semester left before I finish my MEd (wow how time flies...). I'm still not sure what's next for me, whether I should work or continue with PhD but I do know that I want to get married and settle down, and hopefully it's with him, Amin.


  1. you got something beautiful going on there with A. amin, for all the best things you and him will achieve.


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