
You know he loves (?) you when he offers you to drive his brand new car without any hesitation at all.

So... I was telling him how I will have to think and plan about getting a new car when I get back early next year since my parents already sold the Myvi that I've been using for the past one year or so. His reply to me was..well you can drive 'Kylie' (The name that he gives to his new car, after Kylie Minogue). And I was like, no I can't do that because that's his car. But he said "Haha boleh jer nak pkai" (Haha, you can use it if you want, no big deal). 

I know it might seem like not a big deal to other people, but it is to me. I guess I am important enough in his life eh? Hehe.

I know I have never said this to you, but awak, if things work out between us, I am going to make you the happiest man on earth, InshaaAllah. 

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan jodohku. Amin


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