
Just a quick post- I just received back my marks for two of my units. Alhamdulillah, I think I did pretty well. I managed to get a Distinction (which is equivalent to an A grade) for Sociology and Education, which is still a huge surprise for me because I sucked at Sociology during my Alevel years (not even kidding, I used to get Cs all the time and my final result for Sociology for Alevels was also a C). Alhamdulillah a Distiction is more than I had expected so I'm very happy! I was actually very worried about this particular unit because the context is very Australian. All my assignments had to do with the Australian education system so I had to learn it from scratch. The unit also only had three on-campus classes and most of the time we had to do a lot of independent learning and listen to online lectures. Anyway, Alhamdulillah I am glad it is over and I did well.
As for the other unit (Advanced Pedagogy), I only got a Credit for it (equivalent to a B) but I am still very grateful and happy. This one is an external unit so everything is online. I basically had to sit in front of the computer, do the required readings and reply to forums and stuff. I'm actually quite surprised that an external unit is more time consuming than an internal one. I guess it's because everyone has to contribute/say something online to show participation whereas in class you can just nod and that already shows participation. And to be able to reply to comments, you need to read the whole thing which is very time consuming!
So right now, I am waiting for my two other units, Pragmatics and Intercutural Communication, and Leadership for Learning. I hope I pass those two units too! Amin.
On a different story, parents and sister are arriving Friday night InshaaAllah! And I've also received my empty boxes from the shipping company...I'm planning to start packing my books tonight. Get things out of the way as much as I can before we go away for our roadtrip. I'm really looking forward to next week!


  1. ehemm.. ehemmm.. u frgot to mention 'someone''s name, hahaha! mst u excited kan dpt jmp fmily n travel sesame, i can feel u, haha! Im not sure whether AJ de ckp psl 'our trip' yg x tentu jadi ke x tu, haha.. tp klu jd best nye we finally cn meet each other :) Enjoy ur trip, n congratz, u did great ;)

    1. haha. the reason tak mention sebab that 'someone' is arriving sabtu pagi. parents and adik sampai dulu :P

      haha aj ada ckp pasal that trip tu! yep best kalau jadi, finally can meet his awesome friends :) :)

      thanks dyll. tapi still tengah tunggu lagi 2 subjects...

  2. iqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa well done!
    and i pray you'll get the best results for your other papers *thumbs up*

    (currently listening to a juno soundtrack and terigt our kms days, haha)

    love you.

    1. Thank u zaty! Love u too. Hehe. Actually dah dpt 3/4 subjects and smua ok so far! One more to go and i tkt! Haha


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