Second week? Already?

Currently listening to Leaving on a Jetplane (it suddenly played on my Itunes...I didn't choose it) and this part of the song came out "When I come back, I'll wear your wedding ring..." Hehe. Ok I better stop before I start to merepek.

So, this is my second week here in MQU. I think I am starting to understand how postgraduate life works. Basically, we have no life. I've just finished jotting down my assignments for this semester on my beautiful 2013 MQU planner and I realised that I have zero free time. NONE. Nada. Zip, Zero, Zilch. Haha. Thank God it's only for one year...Hopefully I'll make it through fine and in one piece. So far, I'm enjoying 2 out of 4 of my courses (but still not enjoying the workload). I like's almost exactly like how I remembered it to be (but so far no one can top Matt McCrudden, he'll always be my number one EdPsych lecturer...). Don't get me wrong, the current EdPsych lecturer that I have is awesome as well, but maybe because I'm doing postgraduate EdPsych, so the amount of attention and explanation by the lecturer is less than when I was an undergrad. Nevertheless, it's still awesome. As for my other courses, or as they call it here, UNITS, I think they're okay. I don't have much to say about them...but I hope I'll pass, no, I hope I'll score all my papers this semester! Amin!

I'm starting to love my new place as well. I'm currently living in a two bedroom unit and sharing a room with Jo, and we have another housemate who's taking the other room. Haha. We've always talked about how we should just marry each other, and now we're practically married. Should be careful of what we wish for next time. Anyway, the place is quite awesome...I fell in love with the kitchen the first time I saw it, and I love the spacious living room. I'll post some pictures later when I have the time...or not. We'll see. 

Oh I forgot to mention that almost all of my classes start at 5 pm. So that means I can wake up late everyday hehe. 

I think that's all for now. I'll write more later when I have the time... 



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