
I actually don't think that you deserve to be written about in this blog. But since I am angry right now, and I need an outlet to channel my negative energy, here goes.

Firstly, I honestly think you are one manipulative b***ch. You pretend to be so helpless and clueless so that you can take advantage of people. We sensed that about you since the first time we met you. That's why we stopped helping you. If we knew you would do this to us, we would never have considered you when we were house-hunting. The only reason we agreed to let you live with us was because we thought it wasn't nice to leave you on your own (since it was your first time being away from home etc.). We even let you have YOUR OWN ROOM while we had to share a room (and still divided the rent the same between us!). You did not help at all with the house-hunting, "because you don't know what to do bla bla". When you moved in, you pretended to be so helpless and expect people to carry your bag upstairs! Who do you think you are? The Queen? I knew you were going to do that so I stayed in the house...but of course, you found another victim to carry your bags...

And when you first came here you brought your sister with you. We agreed that if she stays more than a month, she will have to pay for rent/electricity etc. But did she? NO. At the end of 3 months, she went back just like that. So we had to cover her part of the bills! Did we say anything? NO.

And during the 6 months that you stayed with us, NOT ONCE did you ever clean the bathroom! 

And then, suddenly, last Monday, you told us that you were going home on Friday (yesterday)! You were denied enrolment because you went back during Raya and only came back 2 weeks after Uni started. The University terminated your studies and cancelled your student visa because you did not reply to any of their emails! 

How could you be so stupid? How could you say that you did not know about enrolment because you were not aware and did not check your student email? You are 29 for heaven's sake! And you had the nerve to say "Oh, Kak M*i taktau sebab tak pernah study overseas macam Iqa and Jo. Kalau kat Malaysia, lambat enrol kene denda je, taktau pulak macam ni". The most bangang thing I have ever heard in my life!

And how could you keep it to yourself and only told us about the 5 days before leaving? You had ONE month to tell us about it but you waited until the very last minute! 

You said you were busy helping out with a cousin's wedding...really? That wedding is more important than your studies? It's not even your wedding! Do you know how many people want to be in your place but did not get the chance? You are wasting taxpayers' money! Rugi hantar orang macam kau study overseas!

Do you know how much damaged you've caused? Because of you, we might have to fork out AUD1700 each to cover your part of the rent (if we don't find someone to replace you)! I have so many other things I can think of doing with that money besides paying for your rent! Dah la balik tak cari replacement! Menyusahkan orang lagi! The advert that you put on Gumtree pun banyak errors.

And...the best part yang buat rasa paling nak marah is...you either blocked me or deleted me from your twitter and Facebook! Nice! So that we could not bother you once you reach Malaysia kan? Pandai sungguh. 

I'm really tempted to wish bad things to happen to you...because of what you did to us. But then, my parents taught me to always be kind to people. So okay. I am not going to wish bad things to happen to you because that would mean I'm just like you. I just hope Allah will balas with what you deserve. Yeah you got away this time...but it's alright. Allah is great. Jo and I will try our best to get through this. InshaaAllah we will be okay. But you, you will have to live with this the rest of your life. I know kita kene maafkan kesalahan orang, but I'm sorry, I am not ready to forgive you yet. Maybe someday. I don't know. I have a right to be angry, I'm just human.

and paling sedih, you don't look like you've learned anything from this. Muka tak bersalah langsung


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