Lazy Saturday

I know I have a lot of work to do, but somehow today, I don't feel like doing any of it. It's Saturday and I think I deserve a break albeit I think I've had too many of these 'breaks' already. Ah well.

I made salmon curry today... It was Jo's salmon and I just offered to cook it. Hehehe. So I had it with roti canai just now. I'm a happy girl.

Mak and Ayah left this morning :( I felt a bit sad so I texted him. Luckily he was awake so we texted for a bit and it definitely cheered me up a bit. We also skyped for about an hour, yeay! :) 

I am actually quite excited about the plans that we made... I know I have no way of knowing what's going to happen in the future...but as for now, I am very happy with how things are. He's very easy to talk to... things are just very simple with him. I hope and pray that he is the one I spend with for the rest of my life... Amin.

Anyway, I am too lazy to here are some photos.


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