
Showing posts from March, 2013

Lazy Saturday

I know I have a lot of work to do, but somehow today, I don't feel like doing any of it. It's Saturday and I think I deserve a break albeit I think I've had too many of these 'breaks' already. Ah well. I made salmon curry today... It was Jo's salmon and I just offered to cook it. Hehehe. So I had it with roti canai just now. I'm a happy girl. Mak and Ayah left this morning :( I felt a bit sad so I texted him. Luckily he was awake so we texted for a bit and it definitely cheered me up a bit. We also skyped for about an hour, yeay! :)  I am actually quite excited about the plans that we made... I know I have no way of knowing what's going to happen in the future...but as for now, I am very happy with how things are. He's very easy to talk to... things are just very simple with him. I hope and pray that he is the one I spend with for the rest of my life... Amin. Anyway, I am too lazy to here are some photos.

Dum dum dummmm

I think it's going to be that time of the month soon... been craving for sweet things (specifically coca cola) and   a bit more emotional and sensitive than usual... not good when I have tonnes of work to do. Please let it be a smooth one this time.  Currently listening to "As I lay me down" by Sophie B. Hawkins. Yes I'm still in my jiwang mood. And yes, he is the reason why. I like the fact that I learn a little bit more of him each day...and sayang him a little bit more each day too. I haven't told him that yet. I don't think I will. I'll save it for later. It will mean so much more :)  I don't want to write about school...because school is stressful! I don't need stress right now. But I think I'm coping well so far. I just need to do things smarter. I need to be more organised.... (I thought that I was already very organised!) That's all for now. Maybe I will write something more interesting next time...hehe. but no promi...


Tonight I find myself back to that familiar place I didn't want and promised would not go back to. But somehow I forgot and end up here again. Need to take a few steps backwards.


You know he loves (?) you when he offers you to drive his brand new car without any hesitation at all. So... I was telling him how I will have to think and plan about getting a new car when I get back early next year since my parents already sold the Myvi that I've been using for the past one year or so. His reply to me was..well you can drive 'Kylie' (The name that he gives to his new car, after Kylie Minogue). And I was like, no I can't do that because that's his car. But he said "Haha boleh jer nak pkai" (Haha, you can use it if you want, no big deal).  I know it might seem like not a big deal to other people, but it is to me. I guess I am important enough in his life eh? Hehe. I know I have never said this to you, but awak, if things work out between us, I am going to make you the happiest man on earth, InshaaAllah.  Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan jodohku. Amin


First of all, Alhamdulillah...for all the blessings that He has given me. I am very thankful for everything... Thank you Allah. Second of all. I think he just made US official last night. As of last night, we made a promise to commit to each other. InShaaAllah if everything goes well we plan to tie the knot next year. Do pray for us. I still can't stop smiling...  Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusanku...permudahkanlah urusan jodohku :) Amin.


I feel like I haven't written on this blog for so long... I had something to write a few nights ago but I was too lazy to do it using my phone... And now I forgot what I wanted to write about. I've just finished having lunch with Jo... She made omelletes and we had it with rice. I'm planning to make spagetti carbonara tonite..because the milk is expiring in two days hehe. I have tonnes of assignments and reading to do/catch up on. Hopefully I get to submit and complete them all. I think I really sayang him and our relationship. But ofcourse I can't tell him that. But I hope he knows.

Building walls

Never ever ever let anyone hurt you. Betulkan niat, teruskan berdoa. Allah knows what's best for me. I will not allow you to affect me in any way. Just a self reminder untuk Sabtu petang ni.


Good morning! It's Saturday and I've decided to spend it in the library... Mostly because they have internet connection here haha. and also I really need to start researching for my assignments... (Not fun). I'm into my third week here in Macquarie. So far I think I'm okay...I'm quite enjoying all my classes...Starting to make new friends, starting to get used to life here, and slowly (very slowly) falling in love with this place I guess. The new place is starting to really feel like home. I can't wait to get a washing machine and for our TV to arrive. So far only the kitchen and our rooms are quite complete... the living room is still pretty much empty but that's alright. I love the house anyways. Oh the surprise that I arranged for him went as planned. It's nothing big... I ordered customised lego cupcakes to be delivered to him... (because I know how much he loves lego and I just thought I'd do something special for special occas...

Random thoughts

I am at the library right now...doing some work. The house still doesn't have internet connection because we are broke and can't afford to register one yet. Hopefully the scholarship money comes in soon... I have a class at 5.30 this evening. Trying to read the set readings for this week, but I keep getting distracted. I can't seem to pay attention for that long. Hmm. Jo said that she'll make dinner for today. Yay. We talked on the phone last night. That was nice. Slept late, didn't want to wake up this morning. Set the alarm for 7.30 a.m, ended up waking at 9 a.m haha Still couldn't find that pendrive... :( Please, who ever finds it please return it to security...that pendrive is precious to me. I love how the sun shines through my bedroom window in the morning...beautiful. I need to get a proper set of stationeries. I wonder if MacCent has Smiggles? That'll be awesome. Oh but wait...I'm broke. I should really get on wit...

Second week? Already?

Currently listening to Leaving on a Jetplane (it suddenly played on my Itunes...I didn't choose it) and this part of the song came out "When I come back, I'll wear your wedding ring..." Hehe. Ok I better stop before I start to merepek . So, this is my second week here in MQU. I think I am starting to understand how postgraduate life works. Basically, we have no life. I've just finished jotting down my assignments for this semester on my beautiful 2013 MQU planner and I realised that I have zero free time. NONE. Nada. Zip, Zero, Zilch. Haha. Thank God it's only for one year...Hopefully I'll make it through fine and in one piece. So far, I'm enjoying 2 out of 4 of my courses (but still not enjoying the workload). I like's almost exactly like how I remembered it to be (but so far no one can top Matt McCrudden, he'll always be my number one EdPsych lecturer...). Don't get me wrong, the current EdPsych lecturer that I have is a...

1 week

It's been almost a week since I moved to this new place. So far I'm not sure how I really feel about MQU... or even Australia. I can't help but comparing it to Wellington even though I know I shouldn't. Things are different here. I find the people are less friendly than NZ and things are more expensive too. In terms of study, it is definitely a lot tougher here. I guess I have to be strong and just do it. InsyaAllah Allah will ease my journey... It's only for one year... It'll be over before I know it.