
I just realised that I'm reaching 30 soon. I turn 29 in September- and then...

I have no idea what's in store for me in the future, but I pray and hope that it will be full of good things InshaaAllah. Amin. 

Let's look back at the past 10 years:

I was halfway through my A-levels in Kolej MARA Seremban I think. KMS is where I met my dearest friends, Sh, J and Z. We're still very close now.

Done with A-levels in June. The second part of the year was spent mostly doing nothing while waiting to fly to NZ in Feb 2008. The girls and I did a makan-makan cari jalan covering each other's states.

February - I can't remember the exact date of my departure to NZ, but it was around mid-Feb. One of the biggest things that happened in my life. For the first time, I was moving to another country for 3 1/2 years to complete my Bachelor's degree. Alhamdulillah, very grateful for the opportunity and experience. NZ is where I learned a lot about growing up. That is where I found love (and lost it too). It's also where I learned how to cook (still not very good at it tho haha) and where I performed cultural dance to a huge audience.

2009 - 2011:
Still in NZ. I got my first job at the library at the end of 2009. One of the seniors recommended me and it was my first time learning how to mend books. I was known as the 'mending girl' at the library. Besides mending books, I also had to move books, find 'missing' books, make sure the books are straight and tidy, etc. Awesome job, good pay. I can choose to work in between classes so by 6 pm I'm already at home and could focus on my assignments. I also worked at the audiovisual suite for 3 months but decided not to continue because the hours were not that flexible.

Mid 2011:
Back in Malaysia to complete our 12 weeks practicum at MRSMs. I was sent to MRSM Batu Pahat. My mentor was probably the toughest mentor ever but somehow we managed to get along. Whatever it is, I'm glad it's over!

End of 2011:
Went back to NZ with the family for my graduation.

Mid 2012:
I was sent to MRSM Pontian for my first teaching job. 45 minutes from home so it wasn't so bad. However, I felt that it wasn't my thing so I decided to continue my Master's degree.

Left my job and off to Sydney to pursue my Master's degree. I got to know my now-husband a few weeks before I left for my studies. We only got to meet twice before I left, and continued keeping in touch through whatsapp. I came home during the semester break and he came to see me. He came again at the end of 2013 to join my family and I for a roadtrip.

January 2014:
We got engaged.

April 2014:
I started my first admin job in KL.

May 2014:
We got married.

March 2015:
I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. Alhamdulillah. He went through a lot at the beginning (scroll my blog, I've covered this a lot in my previous posts) but now he is healthy and happy.

March 2016:
My baby turned a year old.

May 2016:
Here I am today...


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