Working Mom

People always give me that look (of disapproval) when I tell them I send Yusuf to a daycare centre while I work 8-6 pm every weekday since he was 2 months old. I have to admit, it does make me feel guilty sometimes as if I am not a good mother.
If I had the choice, ofcourse I would choose to take care of him myself. But I don't get to make that choice. Atleast I know that we have chosen the best daycare centre that we could find, and so far they have taken good care of Yusuf. The daycare centre updates me about Yusuf all the time, and it was them who told me Yusuf was coughing badly and that I should take him to the hospital a.s.a.p. So I am grateful for them.
I know it seems like he gets sick quite often. But I think that is just part of growing up and also because he already has a health condition when he was born. InshaaAllah as he grows older, he'll be stronger. 
Yusuf, when you grow up, please know that we love you a lot.


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