Can I be somewhere else please

I know I am supposed to be grateful with all the blessings that Allah has given me. But today I feel like I want to get some things out of my chest. I'm only human. So here goes.

I hate that it takes more than an hour to reach a place that is only 10 mins away
I hate the traffic jam
I hate how crowded it is
I hate how people park their cars in front of people's houses
I hate how hot it is
I hate that I don't get to spend more time with my baby
I hate that work > family
I hate that my family is not here
I hate that I cannot turn on the fan in the dining area when I have dinner
I hate that I don't feel comfortable there
I hate the smell of cigarettes
I hate that she is not taking good care of herself and nobody cares to do anything like force her to see a doctor or stop letting her have sugary food
I hate that I cannot be myself when I'm there
I hate that I have to pretend
I hate that you used to lie to me
I hate that I have to forgive you and move on
I hate that the house is so dusty
I hate that the toilet is dirty
I hate that I am too tired to clean it up
I hate that the neighbor next door is doing renovation
I hate that I cannot open the doors and windows of my own house
I hate that everything is so expensive here
I hate that my baby is still not well
I hate that we don't talk
I hate that I have to tell you I want us to talk
I hate that I have to tell you what to do
I hate that I have to tell you to fix things at home
I hate that I have to force you to do things

I am so tired. I just want to go somewhere far with my baby.


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