I'm a mom? I'm a mom!

I still cannot believe that I am actually a mother now. We have a baby boy. Our baby boy. Everything happened so fast that I don't think I've had a chance to stop and breathe since we got married last year. I graduated, got a job, got engaged, got married, moved into a new place, and got pregnant all in the same year! Phew. 

Alhamdulillah I am very grateful for all His blessings. Eventhough Baby Yusuf is not back home with us yet, I believe that Allah's plan is the best. I believe there is a reason/hikmah that Yusuf has CDH and that we are chosen to go through this. If anything, this experience has made me (and husband) even more closer to Allah swt. 

Next month, on the 3rd of May, will be our 1st wedding anniversary, InshaaAllah. My wish? For Yusuf to be home with us. I do not need celebrations or gifts. I just want Yusuf to be well and healthy and come home to us.

Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir, rabbi tammim bilkhoir.

- An update on Yusuf, he is off the oxigen mask! Alhamdulillah. He only needs the oxigen tube which is so so so much better. He looks so much more comfortable... I can't wait to see you tonight Baby Yusuf. My little fighter!


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