8th-10th March 2015

We went to the hosp around 9am on the 8th of march to see prof dr yik. The lead surgeon who will do the surgery for our son. He came to see us around 1 pm and explained yusuf's condition and the procedure that he will do. He told us that if the PICU team gives a green light, yusuf can go for the operation on monday. Went home and explained it to mak and ayah. Asked for everyone to pray for yusuf. 

9 march
Came really early, feeling positive. However, PICU team ask prof yik another 24 hours for the surgery. They would like to stop the NOx machine and reduce all the drugs so that yusuf is fit for surgery. 

For the first time, i got to see my baby opened his eyes. I was shocked, but syg told me to keep talking to him. I recited selawat for him and kept talking to him. Felt even more positive.

10 march
Came early hoping that yusuf is ready for surgery. The lead of PICU told us that they want to wait a couple more days because his platlet count is still low. This can be dangerous for surgery. I have to admit, i felt really down but sayang reminded me that the doctors know what they are doing. He told me to trust them and let them do their job. He told me to be strong for yusuf. Our baby boy. 

I talked to my baby a lot... He opened his eyes, moved his lips, grabbed my finger. Kept talking to him. The nurse who is taking care of yusuf told me not to cry because yusuf will know. she encouraged me to keep talking and be happy... 

The nurses gave us the overdue orientation for PICU. Haha. After almost 5 days! Glad to know i have a place to pump my breastmilk for yusuf 😃

Said goodbye to yusuf after talking to him some more. Told him to keep being strong that we are always there for him. We promised to come again tomorrow.

Sayang sent me home and then he went to register yusuf's name. Alhamdulillah he has a birth cert now.

Amir Yusuf bin Amir Saleh
Our baby boy

Born on the 5th March 2015 at 7.10 pm via c-section by Dr. Idora at Pantai Hospital KL.

Alhamdulillah, we feel so blessed to have Yusuf in our lives.

Mak and Ayah sayang Baby Yusuf


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