26 February 2015

Found this on my iphone notes. I wrote this for dear husband on the 26th February 2015, a week before our baby was born:

To my dearest husband, InshaaAllah in a few weeks (or days) our lives will be changed forever. We're bringing this precious gift from Allah into this world for us to love and take care of. I pray that we will do a great job raising this baby... And i hope our love for each other will remain strong... 

Before I head into the labor room to birth this baby, i want to apologise for every wrongdoings on my part. Sorry if i haven't been a good wife to u. Sy harap awak redha dengan saya... And saya harap kita akan terus kuat and be together dgn izin-Nya.

I am so grateful Allah jadikan awk jodoh saya... Saya sgt appreciate all the things u do for me

No matter what happens, i love you with all my heart ❤


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