13 March 2015: Day 8

We arrived at the hospital quite early, at around 8 am. When we entered PICU, the doctors were already assessing Yusuf's condition. I see a bed next to his bed... And the nurses were busy turning off and transferring the machines to the other bed. I have to admit, I had my hopes high that today is the day that Yusuf can go into surgery. Dr. Alexis said that they are still waiting for Dr. Gan to make the decision but if Yusuf is ok, they have scheduled his OT at 11 am. A moment later Dr. Gan came, I saw him discussing with the other doctors, sometimes nodding, sometimes shooking his head. I was very nervous... I wanted my baby to be stable and be able to go for surgery...

I had to excuse myself to pump milk for Yusuf. I asked husband to stay there and inform me of any updates.. 

My phone battery decided to die when i was in the middle of pumping milk. I decided to stop and go back to PICU. When I arrived, Yusuf was already transferred to a different bed. His eyes were opened and he was wearing his cute dinasour hat that I brought to the hospital.

At about 10.30 am, yusuf went into the operating theatre. We said goodbye and told him to be strong. I cried when he was brought into the ot. My husband calmed me down and told me to be strong. 

We waited for his surgery to be over. Husband had to go for friday prayers so i stayed at the lobby- because there were people there and warmer too.

After husband was done with friday prayers, we went back to PICU. Yusuf was still in the ot... We waited and at about 3.30, Prof Dr. Lucy came out from the ot and told us Yusuf is ready to come out. Alhamdulillah. We waited and Prof dr yik (the surgeon) walked towards us and told us that Yusuf did ok and they will bring him out soon. They need to monitor him and hopefully he recovers well.

After the doctors and nurses assessed and transferred Yusuf back to PICU, we went in to see him. My baby's face was red and a bit swollen from the surgery. 

We talked to him and told him how brave he was. We stayed with him for a while before we headed home at around 6 pm.

Ya Allah, kau lindungilah anakku Amir Yusuf bin Amir Saleh.

We love you very much Baby Yusuf.


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