12 March 2015

My dear baby boy,

Please keep being strong. We cannot wait for you to come home. 

You're right in front of me now and my heart is just breaking into pieces because of the fact that I cannot hold you in my arms and kiss you. You're 7 days old today... You are getting chubbier. 

May Allah swt protect you everyday. I pray that your health improves everyday and that you will be fit enough for surgery.

When we came in this morning, the PICU team were already assessing you. I had a feeling that today is not the day because I could see it from Dr. Gan's face. And I was right. He said you were not urinating enough to get rid of the swelling around your body... They introduced a new drug to make you pee. I hope you pee enough and everything else continues to impeove and that surgery can happen soon. And may you recover as soon as possible and come home to us.

Amir Yusuf, please be strong for me baby... Ya Allah tabahkanlah hati anakku, lindungilah dia dan sihatkanlah dia. 

Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir
Robbi tammim bilkhoir


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