11 March 2015

We went to see Yusuf this morning. Alhamdulillah he looks good. He no longer needs the machine to support his breathing and his drugs have been reduced to only one. And I think they will try to cut that off too. 

He opened his eyes today, we talked to him and told him we have registered his birth certificate. I did not cry at all today, maybe because my baby looked so strong, as if he doesn't even have CDH. I love that the nurse who took care of him put on his dinasour hat that we bought. He's also wearing the diapers that we brought... And i notice the nurse applied baby lotion on him so his skin isn't so dry. 

Last night we received a call from Dr. Alexis. They asked for our consent to transfer platlet to Yusuf to increase his platlet count. My husband gave the green  light and we told them we were coming the next morning.

Alhamdulillah, his platlet count increased and they were no negative reactions to it. He still needs to pee a lot before the operation. I'm feeling more and morw optimistic... Yusuf will make it InshaaAllah.

We also talked to the Prof. Dr. Yik that wi perform the surgery. He told us that they want to wait until tomorrow or Friday and see how Yusuf is doing before going for the surgery. He also told us that there is a probability that the hole isn't too big/severe and he can probably do it without having to go for surgery. He will use another method (something like a teropong). So less scar...i think. 

Alhamdulillah, praises to Allah swt. Semoga Yusuf's health keeps improving and that he will recover from all this as soon as possible.

Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir, robbi tammim bilkhoir


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