36 going on 37 weeks.

Today did not start well

Probably one of the worst days I've had since I've been pregnant

1. Both of my hands are in pain. I couldn't sleep last night and had to wake up AJ to massage my hands. I feel really bad because he hasn't been getting enough rest lately due to moving houses/coming home late/me waking him up in the middle of the night. Honestly, if I was not in so much pain, I would have just sleep through it and let him sleep. But my fingers felt like someone was chopping them off...

2. The water retention is getting worse. I have pictures to prove it. I've tried soaking it in Epsom salt, putting pillows underneath my feet when I sleep etc etc. But they just keep getting bigger and bigger. I wanted to get new sandals but none of them could fit me (not joking).

3. Because of the carpal tunnel syndrome, it's getting harder to do anything using my hands. Even eating is a hassle. I cannot eat with my hands anymore. I cannot wear my usual hijab style because it is too hard...

4. I can't even handle the pain on my hands and feet, how am I going to handle the pain when the baby comes out?

Ya Allah give me strength...make this process easy for me. 

Baby, work with me please. We both love you baby.


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