Really? Seriously?

Marrying early does not solve the problem of teen pregnancies, baby dumping, sex before marriage (zina) etc. I believe it is education- at home and in school from an early age that can solve the problem. I mean, I know a lot of adults who married way later in life who have stable jobs but still have affairs/scandals. So it really isn't about marrying at a young age or when you are more "mature". (How do we measure maturity anyway? By age?) I'm not saying marrying young at 16/17 yrs old is necessary a bad thing, some people can make it work but only if they are mentally, emotionally, financially ready (only they know if they are ready or not). So to generalise that marrying early can solve all those problems I mentioned above is a bit too unrealistic? 

Honestly, if you still have to ask your parents for money to buy things, you are not ready. I know a lot will say zaman nenek moyang boleh je survive. That is different, the situation the context was different back then. The men were already supporting themselves back then that was why they can support a family. Just look at the FBs of teenagers these days. Look at how they think, how they write, how they speak. Do you really think they are ready?

I'm not good at commenting/writing critically about these topics...but I really do not think marrying early is the solution.

And marriage is not all about sex.


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