
Apparently we look like newlyweds. I mean, I know we are, because we've been married less than a year, but I never realised that newlyweds have a certain 'look'? 

I was talking to AJ in the LRT to work this morning (but I was sitting and he was standing). We were talking and laughing and I salam him (as I always do) and he gave me a kiss on the forehead (as he always does since we got married) before we reached his stop. When he got off the train, suddenly the girl next to me said, "Kak, tanya boleh?" So I said, "Yes?" "Akak baru kawin ke? Nampak macam baru kawin". I laughed and said "takde la baru sangat".

At first I felt embarrassed, maybe I acted inappropriately in public with my husband for her to say that? Maybe she was annoyed that we were talking too much? (I'm pretty sure we weren't doing anything too PDA in the train). But then I decided to not think about it.

If it's true that we look like a newly married couple, then I pray we will always look like that. 5 years, 10 years, 20 years on... I pray that we will always be close and that we will always talk to each other. I pray that he will never feel embarrassed to kiss his wife's forehead/cheeks before going to work/coming home for work/random reasons. I pray that he will always look at me the way he looks at me now. 

I have to admit, the first few months of marriage was not easy. We were both still trying to adjust living with each other and understanding each other. But Alhamdulillah, I can genuinely say that we are happy and I love my husband very much. We have our differences, we do argue sometimes (like every other couple), but at the end of the day, he is still the one I look forward to cuddle at night. 



  1. iqaaaa sweetnya this post <3

    i will pray for your everlasting happiness too :)


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