
I actually just got back from a two-day workshop in Malacca (not as a participant, but as the organiser). It's been a tiring two days because I had to drive but I'm glad I went. This is sort of a training for me too because soon InshaaAllah I'll be conducting my own workshops on teaching and learning methodologies. So far I've only been to two workshops and already I've learned a lot of valuable lessons. I don't think I should share too much about work because I do not want to get into trouble so I'm going to stop here and talk about something else.

3 days (excluding tonight) to go before my big day! I haven't had the chance to feel the excitement yet because I've been busy. But since I'm going home tomorrow night and all my stuff are packed, I'm starting to feel a little bit excited and nervous. I hope everything goes well. 

Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir, rabbi tammim bilkhoir. Amin.

Mak has been whatsapping me images of the hantaran that she gubah herself. I have to say, I'm very impressed! I think everything is under control...

I haven't seen my fiance since Sunday. The next time I'll see him is during our akad nikah InshaaAllah. I do miss him but I keep reminding myself that it's not too long before we are halal for each other yay. 

I need to sleep early tonight because I haven't been getting enough rest the past four days. So good night!

Pray for us :)


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