Wedding bells.

60 days till the big day. Excited and nervous at the same time. InshaaAllah if everything goes according to plan, I'll be a wife to A soon. 

Last night he helped me fill in the Borang Permohonan Kebenaran Nikah and suddenly it felt so real. Seeing his name and details on the Pasangan section made me realise that this is really happening soon. Of course I am aware that I have no way of knowing what will happen within this 60 days and after that, but I pray everyday that God will make this process easy for us, Amin.

I'm a bit sad that two of my closest friends will not be able to attend my wedding because one's in the UK and the other is in Scotland. :( Thank goodness that Jo and Hidayah will be with me during my special day, InshaaAllah. 

So far I'm 1/4 done with wrapping the doorgift for the guests. I think I'll be able to finish it within 2 weeks. 

I need to email the photographer the details of that day tomorrow.

I left A in charge of the wedding invitation card. I've emailed him the details and the map to our house. We've agreed on the card design and now he only needs to put in the order.

I think so far the preparations going well Alhamdulillah.


  1. Enjoy every moment, the stress, the jitters and all that! All the best and may He is your journey! Btw, I love the song on your blog? Who is it? :)

    1. Hi Faraha,
      Thanks! :)

      The song is called "Lucky" by Kate Edmondson. One of my favourite songs... hehe.


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