Repost from Nov 2012.

I was fiddling with my blogs (current and old one) when I found this old post from November 2012 and I thought I'd repost it for a few reasons. 

The post made me think about how much I've changed and matured since I wrote it. It made me think about how much I've achieved. It made me realise that dreams can come true if I work hard enough for it. 

When I wrote the post, I did not have a Master's degree. Today, a bit more than a year later, I am happy to say that I've completed my Master of Education at Macquarie University, Sydney. Alhamdulillah. 

When I wrote the post, I was single. I had no idea that today I would be engaged to the loveliest man and InshaaAllah will be getting married in May. 

I am so grateful for all His blessings. I don't know what I did right to deserve all this but I am very very grateful. All this would not be possible without Him. Alhamdulillah.


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