Engagement, preparations, and that trip to Bandung
I have been wanting to update my blog for a while now, but somehow I haven't got around to doing it. Most of the things I've written just goes into draft because I would lose interest in finishing it. Anyway, let's hope this one gets publish although I'm not sure if I still have readers...
So far, 2014 has been kind to me. I am grateful for all His blessings and I hope things will continue to be good.
In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that I got engaged. So far, things are good and we are getting along quite well (perhaps I should say better than when we were just dating heheh). Right now we are busy planning our wedding that will hopefully happen on the 3rd of May this year, InshaaAllah. We chose that date at the end of last year before he officially proposed. There are a few reasons why we chose the 3rd of May; 1) 1st of May is a public holiday so both of us can take the 2nd of May off and have more time for last minute preparations. 2) He mentioned that he wanted to get married before he reached a certain age (LOL) and so if we wait until after the Eid celebration it would be too late. 3) We didn't want to get married too close to the holy month of Ramadhan as it's not advisable to do so. 4) I sort of want to know how it feels to celebrate Eid together, as husband and wife. 5) I didn't want to get engaged for too long. The sooner we tie the knot, the better.
Besides, I think we are both ready. We both think it is time that we settle down. I do believe that he is my jodoh... I also believe that he will be a good husband and father to me and my children (if Allah gives us the rezeki to have kids one day, Amin).
Anyway, so far I've chosen my dress for the reception. I've showed the wedding planner how I want my dais to be. A and I have discussed the options for our photographer on our special day. He is also going to look into where we're going to order our wedding invitation card (We're going to share a card to save cost). We're both done with our pre-marriage course and I guess I will have to register online/sort some documents and do my HIV test soon. Suddenly it feels surreal that I'm actually preparing for my wedding... wow.
It's a bit funny because when I was 24, I was convinced that I was ready for marriage. Looking back now, I know that I was not ready at all. Maybe that was why it did not happen... because it was not time for me to get married yet.
Us at Java Bean Cafe (I think), Rumah Mode
After a wonderful lunch at Dapur Sangkuriang.
The whole group at Sapu Lidi. The food was heavenly!
Lunch at Sapu Lidi
Tangkuban Parahu
What else have I been up to besides preparing for my wedding? Well, last week I went on a trip to Bandung with A and his friends. I have to say, it is one of the best trips I went so far in my entire life. Perhaps it was because I went there with friends (I usually travel overseas with family). They're one of the happiest most happening bunch of people I have ever met in my life. It was my first time meeting them and they didn't make it awkward for me at all. I'm glad I joined the trip and I'm glad I got the chance to get to know them.
Thank you Dyll and family (Sewrab and the adorable most handsome Eshan a.k.a Mushroom), Kak Cho Zaza and Mak Cho Atie for the wonderful memories. I'm still dreaming and thinking about the food at Sapu Lidi and Dapur Sangkuriang. And the Pisang cheese...my goodness...heavenly. Not one moment that I did not enjoy my time in Bandung with all of you. Thank you for helping us choose the kain for A's family. Sorry Dyll that it took us a long time that you fell asleep on the couch...hehe. I hope to see all of you again in May! Please do come to the one in JB ok :)
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