The way I am

Sometimes I laugh a bit too loud and I'm not afraid to act silly in public. I don't feel the need to be/act proper all the time. That's just the way I am. I like the way I am. I like to smile a lot. I talk a lot. I'm not embarrassed to upload silly photos of me on social networking sites. I don't really care if people think I'm childish/immature. I can be mature when I need to be. I know when to act proper. I know when to be silly. I don't feel the need to be stick thin. So what if I'm not thin? I love my curves. 

So please don't tell me to be someone I'm not. Stop asking me to lose weight. Please just accept me the way I am.


  1. you look and are awesome the way you are.

    *hugs* :)

    1. thanks zaty. I'm just tired when those closest to me mcm nak suruh i control cun all the time and suruh i kurussss. penat la. that's not me...


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