Last week.

I know this is probably a little bit basi already but I'm going to write about it anyway. 

I got engaged last week. Alhamdulillah. We planned it since December, when he was in Sydney. We've been talking about getting married for a while now, but we both agreed to wait until I finish my Masters. So as soon as I did, he asked my parents' permission to marry me. It was quite brave of him to be honest, because he asked the question in front of Jo and my adik too. I was the only one who knew what was coming (although I didn't know how it was going to go or how he was going to do it/ask it). 

We were just done having breakfast, A and I were going to send the car back. He texted me asking if I was ready and I told him yes. But when I looked at him he didn't move. He just sat there and he smiled at me. I asked him if he wanted to talk to my parents and he said yes. So the first few minutes were kind of awkward...we were just sitting around in a circle and he looked as if he wanted to say something but he was waiting for the right moment. And then suddenly he said, "Pakcik, Makcik, saya ada nak cakap sikit ni". Suddenly everyone went really quiet and focused on him. I cannot even describe how nervous I was at that particular moment. He told his plans to marry me and my parents had no objections at all. They just told us to inform them about the dates etc. After he was done, Jo applauded him for being such a gentleman. 

We only had about a month to plan it. To be honest, I am super clueless when it comes to weddings and celebrations. It's just not really my thing. We decided to hire a wedding planner to make the process easier. The only mistake was giving her too much power over the decisions. LOL. Although I am grateful that everything went well, I still wish the engagement was not multicolored. I didn't like the mini dais that she insisted on having (I wanted a simple engagement- no dais). Imagine this: my mini dais was pink/purple, my dress was turquoise, the hantarans were red, the khemah was blue. I wanted to cry but it was too late to change everything. 

I'm still happy despite not liking the theme (or lack thereof) of my engagement. I love the hantarans that he gave me. I am super in love with the rings that he picked for me (the first time I saw it was during my engagement day). I am happy that we're engaged. I am looking forward to the wedding- this time I'm choosing the theme. I've already picked my wedding dress and I told my wedding planner how I want my dais to be. 

We have about 90 days to go before the wedding. We still have a lot of things to do... I hope everything goes smoothly. 

I'm looking forward to spend the rest of my life with you :)


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