
Today's definitely not a good day for me. I don't know how it happened but I hit a car when I was reversing my car. I honestly did not see that the car was behind me...and there was a lorry parked next to my car blocking my view. Thank God my wedding planner, Kak Shida and her husband was there and they helped me sort everything out (I was actually delivering the stuff for the hantaran and was ready to go home). I don't know what I would do if they were not there...
I'm sure there is a hikmah to all this.
Alhamdulillah I'm ok and my car is ok.
This is my first accident since I got my license almost 10 years ago.


  1. First accident? hahaha.. kite dah banyak kali sgt minor2 accident. siap org langgar masa parking lepas 10 tahun ada driving licence tp br 3 tahun bawak kereta. hahaha

    1. hahaha sampai hati gelakkan! tolonglah simpati! :P


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