I made it, Alhamdulillah.

Today's the day of my results... and Alhamdulillah, I did well. In fact, better than last semester (3 Distinctions and 1 Credit compared to 2 Distinctions and 2 Credits for last semester). My overall GPA is 3.63. I am so grateful to Allah, for without Him I don't think I will ever make it this far. Honestly, my final semester was very tough and challenging. There were times I felt like I would not make it...  A lot happened during my final semester so it is a miracle that I made it through fine =) The first semester was tough too, but it was mostly because I was still adjusting to the new environment and to postgraduate life. I thought that the second one would be a breeze, boy was I wrong! But whatever it is, I am so relieved that it's over! I can graduate! Yay. 

Thank you Mak, Ayah, Ayong, Abang, Kak Sha, Nana & Aidan for your endless love and support.

Thank you AJ for putting up with my bad moods, for believing in me, and for always motivating me to go on.

Thank you friends (I can't write everyone's name here but you know who you are) for all your help and support, both directly and indirectly =) 

Master of Education (Curriculum and Pedagogy) =)

So, what's next? ;)


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