A definite yes.


The past week has been amazing- having my parents here, my lovely little sister, and ofcourse, my AJ. I wish it didn't have to end. Why is it that when you are having a good time, time just seems to move so quickly? 

The morning he arrived =)

There are just so many things I want to write about that I don't even know where to begin. A lot of things happened this past week, both good and bad, but Alhamdulillah, everything is OK. I learned a lot of valuable lessons about myself and about him too. His visit here is actually good for us, we learned so much about each other during the two weeks than we did the whole year. Prior to this, we've only met four times and they were really short meetings. This time, he was here for a full 2 weeks. I think I understand him a bit more now, and hopefully this will make us stronger.

(The three of us in the ferry. We all joked about how AJ looks like a 16 year-old and that he is actually Nana's friend who came along with her to Sydney, LOL)

I like that he gets along really well with my family and Jo. I think my parents are quite impressed with him. He's very helpful and it doesn't look fake at all. There was this one time that we actually argued about who gets to carry the groceries home. I got angry at him because he wouldn't let me carry some of the stuff we bought. Afterwards we sort of laughed about it. The thing is, I like to feel and be independent and I love to spoil people. So when he does all the things that I love to do, I'm left with nothing. He said it's funny that we fight about who gets to do housework when other couples fight about how their partner never helps around the house. I was also impressed to see how natural he is in the kitchen, he even cuts the onions better than I do. So far he hasn't complained about my cooking, so that's good right? The more I spend my time with him, the more I am sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I know that things will not always be perfect between us, but as long as we work through it together, I know it will be okay, InshaaAllah.

I need to be more relaxed and I need to learn to let go of certain things. AJ says that I have this "perangai meluru-luru" as if I'm chasing something but I don't know what. I think he's right, I always look like I'm rushing towards something...I need to learn to take my time and just enjoy life. AJ needs to talk to me more. He's a closed book- it's very hard to get him to talk to me. He doesn't express his feelings that much whereas I express my feelings too much. We need to find a balance I guess. 

I hope we'll be okay. They say the first 10 years of marriage is the hardest. I wouldn't know because I've never been married. But I hope AJ and I will be ok. Married friends, any advice for us? 


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