Today's the day of my results... and Alhamdulillah, I did well. In fact, better than last semester (3 Distinctions and 1 Credit compared to 2 Distinctions and 2 Credits for last semester). My overall GPA is 3.63. I am so grateful to Allah, for without Him I don't think I will ever make it this far. Honestly, my final semester was very tough and challenging. There were times I felt like I would not make it... A lot happened during my final semester so it is a miracle that I made it through fine =) The first semester was tough too, but it was mostly because I was still adjusting to the new environment and to postgraduate life. I thought that the second one would be a breeze, boy was I wrong! But whatever it is, I am so relieved that it's over! I can graduate! Yay. Thank you Mak, Ayah, Ayong, Abang, Kak Sha, Nana & Aidan for your endless love and support. Thank you AJ for putting up with my bad moods, for believing in me, and for always motivating me to go on. ...