As I get older, I find myself becoming more and more like my parents. No, it's not a bad thing, I am actually grateful for the way my parents have raised me.
From a young age, I was taught to sleep and wake up early. By 10 pm, I would already be in bed ready to sleep. My mother would never let me sleep in even during the weekends. I didn't understand it back then, but because of her, I have no problems getting up early for school or work. The bed is off-limits during the day, unless if I was really tired/sick and needed to rest/take a nap. The whole family would then have breakfast together at our favourite breakfast spots. My father was not as busy back then, so he was home most of the time. After breakfast, we'd go to the mall, window shopping/grocery shopping. That was how we spent our time together as a family. Alhamdulillah, our family is very close with each other.
My mother is a perfectionist. She's also very neat and organised. Everything has to be the way she wants it to be. Yes it used to drive me crazy (actually it still does) but now I love her for that. Our house is never messy or dirty. It's really hard to find habuk because she cleans/wipes everything. I didn't understand it back then why she has to clean all the time, but now, having my own place and living on my own, I know how important it is to keep a house clean. Now it drives me crazy if the toilet is dirty or if the garbage is not taken out etc.
Because of her, I've also become someone who can't just sit around and do nothing. I always have to find something productive to do- cooking, cleaning...just anything... If there is nothing to do at home, I'd go out, get some fresh air, or go window shopping. I feel guilty if I don't use my time wisely, I mean, time is something that I can never get back and I don't want to suddenly turn 30/40/50 and realise I've wasted it by doing nothing.
And my father, he is a very punctual person. Because of him, I am very particular with time. I don't like to be late and I hate (yes, hate) when people are late. I also learned how to manage my time from my father and Alhamdulillah I have always managed to complete my work/tasks on time.
So, thank you Mak and Ayah. I am not the person I am today if it weren't for the both of you. I love both of you very much and I am so lucky to have the best parents in the world. I pray that Allah will always protect you two, and semoga mak and ayah happy selalu. I know things are not always perfect, but Alhamdulillah I am very grateful for everything.
I can't wait to see you both next week. :)
I can't wait to see you both next week. :)
what a beautiful post.
Heheh thanks zaty.