
I'm turning 26 soon. God I feel old. I don't know why I'm extra nervous about turning a year older this year.

21- First birthday away from home in another country. I can't remember what I did. 
22- My ex threw me a surprise birthday party (my first surprise birthday party ever!). He planned it with my close friends but I sort of found out about it an hour before the surprise, LOL. He said it was really hard planning a surprise birthday party for me because we were always together and he had to wait until I had classes to go out and buy stuff for the party...haha.
23- I decided to have a small celebration with just my closest friends. We had dinner at Nandos. They got me The Sims 3 expansion pack! :) 
24- My colleagues took me for a birthday lunch. One of my colleagues, Cikgu Zul, dropped my friend and I at the restaurant and said that he wanted to park his car. We waited for him for half an hour and when he came back, he brought a cake with him!
25- I did not celebrate my 25th. My parents even forgot about it, haha. 
26? I don't know yet. But what ever it is, I am grateful to be alive and healthy. Alhamdulillah. 


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