
Each and everyday I keep telling myself- I am going to get it done. Five days later it's still not going anywhere. I will be in very big trouble if I don't start now...I have a general idea on what to write and how I will write it, but I just can't seem to make myself start... I guess I'm doing that performance-avoidance thing- I don't know. But I do know that I NEED TO START WRITING!

Anyway. I was having this conversation with my bestfriend Jo yesterday, about how much do we really know a person? Think about the closest person you have in your life, how much do you think you know them? How much do you think they know you? How much do you think you know your own family? Do you ever wonder what secrets they keep from you? 

Jo and I have been bestfriends for 8 years now- we started as breakfast/study partners back in college then we became housemates for 2 1/2 years, and now we're roommates. She knows me very well, she has been with me through a lot of my ups and downs, she has seen my lowest of low... she was there after every breakup- telling me to be strong and that things will be okay (they do). She was there when I was feeling homesick, when things were just tough and I thought it would not get better.

She's my strength- and I love her very much.

However, I still think there is a lot of me that I hide from her... maybe I'm still scared that she would judge me, maybe I'm ashamed of it... maybe... I don't know. I guess you can never really know a person, can you? Maybe I don't know who I really am either?

I really don't know where this post is going... I should stop and get on with my assignments. 


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