What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I've decided to write something just for me to get my mind off academic things. I'm still feeling a bit frustrated but ah well. I can't let this pull me down. Takpelah. Tenang and try again I guess...Try harder...no...smarter. Hopefully I'll make it through until the end of my MEd. I just can't let my family down...I can't let YOU down... Maybe I need to critically reflect on what I have been doing and change the things that are not working. Maybe I'm still adjusting.... Hmm.

It's a good thing that Jo, Pnut and I are going on that Heli ride tomorrow. Maybe that'll cheer me up a bit. The room's been a bit too quiet since yesterday because Jo is away canyoning in Bluemountains (I think that's what the place is called). She will be back with her sister tonight and Pnut will be staying with us until Wednesday. Quite looking forward to that :)

Things with me and him are going pretty well. I'm happy.... I am genuinely happy. I can't wait to see how things will work out in the end...hopefully it will be good and positive. We've been talking about our future a lot....and it's been really nice. I know there is no way of knowing what's going to happen in the future, it's all up to God...but InshaaAllah things will be alright. I have a good feeling about us. We're in the process of learning about each other deeper...our likes and dislikes...our expectations...things like that. It's really nice having someone to plan a future with.

Last week he did the sweetest thing. He gave me this Lego heart-shaped jewellery box as well as a hand-written letter. Makes me feel like a highschool girl hehehe. Thank you awak, I love the Lego heart-shaped box and I love you. I love the letter you wrote me too... It was such a surprise...I didn't expect you to do something like that (write a letter). It's a bit funny because I asked him to write me something around the same week (not knowing he already has and it was already on it's way to OZ, lol). Anyway, thank you again! I don't think words are enough to tell you how I feel.... I pray that God will ease your journey always and may happiness always be around you.

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku untuk belajar
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan jodohku 



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