Throwback - The day my girl was born

Hello! It has been ages since I last blogged - let's see if I can still write haha. I can't believe it is already almost the end of 2019, and the last time I blogged was before Afrina was born back in 2017! and she's almost two now. I feel so bad! I used to write about Yusuf a lot, but not one post about my dearest girl. Sorry sayang! But you do know you are on my IG stories like all the time kan ? I love you both the same. During Abang's time blogging was the in thing, your time it is Instagram hehe. Anyways, a lot has happened since then - where do I start? Ok maybe I should start when Afrina was born - 1st February 2018 . I still remember the night you were born, actually, I remember the whole day before you were born because you were being stubborn and playing games with me and didn't want to come out! It was already past my due date and I was getting annoyed and uncomfortable! So typical of you kan Adik? Until now, your character reminded me so much of th...