
Showing posts from August, 2015

Not convinced. At all.

You can say what you want but it won't and it can't change my mind If you really loved her, this wouldn't have happened Sorry but too late to convince me how much you love her Because when she was well, you didn't treat her right I'm not stupid You can fool everybody else, but not me I'm sorry, Not me.

I have to write this

Because I need to write this down. When discussing about marriage, people often tell me how they want their partner/future partner to be this and to have that (insert physical characteristics, insert material things). For example, future partner must already own a house and have a car...or must help with the house chores and bla bla bla. But these people kan, do they ever think about being the this and that for their partner/future partner? I mean, nak macam-macam but are you so perfect yourself? I used to tell a friend of mine, if you want your husband to be like this or that, you have to work hard and make the effort to be this and that for him too. For example, you nak lelaki kaya, lelaki tu nak perempuan bergaya. Then no harm to bergaya if that's what it takes to get you that lelaki kaya. Okay, bad example but you get my point? No? It's not fair if you expect him to watch after the kids and do house chores if you yourself tak bangun and mandi/gosok gigi lagi at ...