
Showing posts from July, 2015

To my hubby

My husband and I have been married for a little bit more than a year. And I know we have a LONG way to go (InshaaAllah if umur dipanjangkan). But so far, despite all of the challenges we've been through (trust me, we've been through a lot despite being together for only a year), I cannot imagine my life without him. I cannot imagine bringing up Yusuf without him in our lives. Marriage is hard work. But with him, I want to make it work. I know I annoy the hell out of him, and I'm not the most rajin wife in the world, I do not cook and clean everyday, I merajuk way too much, but I love my husband. I love him for everything that he is- the good and the bad. I love that he is willing to learn about me. Dear husband, if you are reading this, yes I love you. Thank you for everything that you have done and even though I rarely say/show it, I do appreciate you a lot. Oh and you owe me duit raya. LOL. Nanti when we're both old, I hope I will still be the one you want...

Not quite done with you yet.

2015 is by far the most challenging year I have ever had to face in my life (so far). It is the year I found out that my baby has CDH and he had to spend 30 days in PICU It is the year he went through 2 surgeries It is the year my mother in law had a stroke attack a week before Eid causing her to be unable to talk or use her right side of the body It is the year that my baby celebrated his first Eid without his father And I don't think it's going to get easier...with MIL unable to take care of herself, we need to figure out who will take care of her once she is discharged from the hospital. My husband and I have not quite moved on yet with what Yusuf went through and now we are facing another test from Allah swt. But InshaaAllah, we will get through this too. I believe Allah will not test us more than we can handle. Hopefully this will get us even more closer to our creator, Amin. Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir.