Time to reflect
Hi I've been wanting to post something here for a while now but I've just been too busy...school stuff. and when I do have the time I would usually end up doing something else. Sorry! Anyway Nothing much (well, nothing interesting) has been happening since the last time I wrote in this blog. I'm going to be done with my first semester at Uni as a postgraduate in about three weeks! How time flies! I'm hoping that everything will go smoothly and that I will pass all my papers- with a Credit at least. Haha. and then one more semester to go before I graduate, InshaAllah. (Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir, Amin) Postgraduate life is tough! I thought studying would be somewhat the same like in VUW. Boy was I wrong! I learned quite a lot about myself- I am more aware that I actually don't know a lot of stuff haha. My self-efficacy (haha finally I get to use this word) went down, I feel really incompetent. I'm also starting to question about the v...